Friday, April 26, 2013

The Boston Marathon

I just can't stop thinking about this heartless tragedy, I realize that it doesn't help getting so angry on my part but I can't help it. How could those "men" do this to a group of people. The children, the family members... who could do that? Like, seriously the younger guy actually put down one bag next to the 8 year old boy that died. A woman died and her boyfriend was going to propose to her as she crossed the finish line! The younger brother deserves to rot in jail. I even hope they will take the most extreme measure with this guy! I hope the news tells us exactly what happened and why it did. Because I can't stand being in the dark about things, especially something this big.


  1. I was at work when this happened, I couldn't believe it! Those two were insane. One is dead now and the other is in custody. That's the last I've heard of it.

    1. I know, I was too! and good! They deserve all that came and will come to them
